Well, we've had a bit of a break since our last tour. We played a show with our friends THE DAREDEVIL CHRISTOPHER WRIGHT, LAARKS AND CEDARWELL at the kitty cat club and since then, we've been doing other stuff.
Jer started school again. He's an art student and he's in his last semester of college. He's doing his senior seminar course and a philosophy of science course. I never took that class in college but I like the professor he's taking it with.
Karin started working at Dunn Brothers Coffee in the skyway. She's going to say things like, "thanks a latte'" to business snobs. Awesome.
I heard a great story about a guy who gave up sea cow surfing for lent. Apparently in some places in Florida, sea cows, or manitees swim up these canals and people have houses right by them. Youngsters will run off of their docks and jump onto the sea cows. that is what sea cow surfing is.

well, this one guy loved sea cow surfing a lot. And for lent one year, he decided to give it up. but, then, the biggest sea cow he had ever seen was slowly floating down the canal. He just couldn't help himself. He ran as fast as he could and jumped farther than he ever had before. he landed on the sea cow and found himself sinking waist deep into the bloated animal.
The sea cow had been dead for days and was puffed up like a puffer fish. He pulled himself out of the sea cow and was forever changed.
well, we've been hangin around the last month or so, but march will be real busy.

I'll be playing a few solo shows, one of which will be with new portland oregon transplant, Haley Bonar. Then we're hittin' the road for Sioux falls, South Dakota, Victor, Idaho, and then Des Moines, Iowa. We're gonna visit my brother and hang out in the mountains. yahoo!