Friday, September 24, 2010

A Cool Pix Opportunity

Dammit. It's too hard to get this font on top of the cool pix. Here I am Tourisming in NYC.

Joe is studying phenomenology.

Unique New York! Unique New York!
Epic Skateboard Spot #2 Love Park in Philadelphia, PA. It was much smaller than I thought it would be. Still radical though.

Epic Skateboard spot #1. NYC Courthouse. This would be spooky to do skateboard maneuvers on.

I have been playing some of the same joints Mr. Bazan is playing. He's always a few days behind me.

We Are The Death Vessels

I've been getting the Joel Thibodeau comparison for almost as long as I remember singing. That is to say, since college. I've listened to him a wee bit, and I even saw him open for mr. Jonsi. But I hadn't really paid too much attention.

For some reason I looked him up on the ol' internets and have been listening to his jams. They're great. My friend Emilie says I only listen to/like music that sounds like mine, which probably says more about me than I care to address. Regardless, this dude rules.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010


This record has been perfect on the road. Eric (cedarwell) is incredible


75 cups of coffee.
2,000 miles
30 days
25 shows
1 night of camping
16 nights of van sleeping
weight when i left: Chunkster
weight now: Less Chunkster

the end.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm Alive

Here are some pictures from my show with The Beat Box Car Children took these pictures of me. Photos by Life In General Photography.


Forever and Ever

Marissa and Kellen are incredible. And I love that they wrote, "forever and ever" into their vows.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I hadn't seen my friend Jordan in like 7 years! Holy Smokes!
This is part of downtown Bloomington, IL. It's a real neat area.
Welcome to my morning at Wal Mart.
Passing time in Sheboygan, WI. Not bad eh?
The Mr. Paul Brandt
Bower did not want to snuggle.